Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lulu Cupid

This is an idea of having fun for Lulu:

Since there was a spare time before hunt the scarlion, Lulu has sudden urged to act as Cupid;

After an observation to a pair of boy and girl sitting and talking for awhile, Lulu Cupid decided she must act to bless them as a couple to last forever and ever ( as a licensed-cupid, she posses super skill to see through the boy's and girl's pure and loving hearts )

First she draw out her cupid arrow which was as holly as the bless it possessed that could make them a happy and lasting couple.

After aiming very carefully ( she did not want to make any mistake ) the holly arrow was released straight to the growing heart of the boy's and girl's as they grow fonder to each other.

YES!!! The holly arrow successfully landed on the heart. Job well done Lulu Cupid ;p

Erhmmm .............. or not....... =.=!

The arrow fly to the other guy sat next to the couple.
But wait, where were in the name of God that suddenly this guy show up anyway?

Lulu's facial expression was that among others were annoyed, angry, shocked and finally solemnly accepted that she failed as cupid. Maybe after all she is actually a Priest though still a noob one?

Is this mean she lost her license as cupid?

Go back to training ba!! ~~Lulu "Noob" Priest ~~
Noob = HS only has 9 levels and last for about 30 seconds ;p

Failed Cupid !!!
and after a looooong sigh~
Lulu reluctantly back to training ( as priest eventually) ground where else but MP3?

End note:
Notice how Nishi had stand firmly watch through his lion eyes as he learned by observing very closely how Lulu released her holly arrow???
Is this mean Nishi ( Slim ) a fail cupid as well? or
Nishi try to learn from expert Lulu in firing an arrow? (erhm, a bowmaster learning from a priest? hehe ) or
Nishi is afk -ing? or
Guys you better ask Nishi himself, what he was doing standing there!!!

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Lulu's Maple Memories


This blog is entirely Lulu's experience on Maple world. Should it has similarity with yours, it is just purely coincidence. Please be creative and original. Don't make any alteration, copy and claimed as yours. Love, Peace and Happy Mapling ;p