Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Day with Tengkia

What is it like a day with Tengkia?

Training in GS6 with Tengkia until Lulu leveled ;-)
Two bored lion at GS6 killing Mr.Anchors

Done training, we back at town, this is when Tengkia suggest to Lulu, "Let's take holiday Lulu!"
Lulu who was so bored of training, though stun at first, quickly accepted the idea and thought it should be fun.

Resume back as lions, we headed to airport and wait for our departure. Hopefully the pilot wouldn't sent us to Madagascar -F3- as he thought we were lost from our natural habitat.

Yay!! flying at last. So lucky it's just us and no other passengers, if not people would have scared to death, hehe, erhmm may be other people already run for their life when first spotted us at the airport, hahaha, we wouldn't have known for sure. But the pilot still fly us out, so brave !! Go Pilot!!

Haiz! what happened to us? We should know it from start, the lionhead would've given us troubled.
The pilot dropped us at deserted island of Nautilus ( not Madagascar but still not better than it )
We were like a minute ago still flying, next thing we knew we were on this island. 0.o The food we ate must have been druged -F7-

Since we were in an island, we dediced to explore nearby. Cave exploring? Sounded like something you must do when you are deserted !! So we found an ant tunnel when the cave went deeper and deeper. Until we found, *cough*, 24Hr Mobile Store (0.0) .Weren't we lucky or what? All that we need could be gotten easily from the store. So the pilot not dumped us at deserted place at all (0.0).

After getting all the necessary supply, we continued our journey deeper to the cave. The mobs we encountered were stronger and more fierce compare to Ghost Ship. When it started to get cold and colder and oops, Lulu died ( again? ) -F7- This was not a holiday Lulu imagined ever had.

So here Lulu was, back again to MP3 !!
Next time arrange a better holiday ba!!

Anyone ever wonder what happened to Tengkia?
I think the only one could've answered that is Tengkia himself ;p
If you read this Tengkia, please tell us what happened to you then ...

Peace out ;p

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm late in leaving my comment here. Sorry Lulu.

    Tengkia actually died not long after Lulu, because he ran out of potions too. All that exp gained has gone down to the drain.

    This is a very nice post. I had no idea you took so many screenshots while we were playing.

    Thanks for posting this and making a beautiful memory.


Lulu's Maple Memories


This blog is entirely Lulu's experience on Maple world. Should it has similarity with yours, it is just purely coincidence. Please be creative and original. Don't make any alteration, copy and claimed as yours. Love, Peace and Happy Mapling ;p