Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Play with Jazz ~~~

It's been sometimes since Lulu really spend time play with her buddy cause now mostly Lulu agenda is train and spam (so boring!!!!).
So it is a happy moment that Lulu has the chance to hang out with Jazz ^^

Lulu catched a glimpse of Jazz while shopping in FM ^^

Aprodite is Lulu future BM , but don't expect her to be come out soon (=.=)".

Jazz suddenly come to find Lulu while she spamming her sponsor xPOK at ESW on last Saturday.

Happy ^^
It's really been a long time ago since a buddy ever came and visited Lulu while she trained.

While waiting for Lulu's sponsor go take buff.
Jazz ~ show off his chair.
Lulu ~ amazed by the polar bear chair.
Paka ~ ringer envy the polar chair owner.
DragonFire ~ showing his polar chair since Jazz boast his (=.=)"" , btw he will spam Lulu's sponsor after Lulu go to sleep.

Note: xReject also had first come to visit Lulu then go to solo scar ^^

Don't know why that time spam 2 buddies came to visit beside 2 ks-er. Of course buddies are all welcomed, while KS-ers are really un-welcomed. The first ks-er, didn't even talk just keep spam blizzard. The second ks-er ign Bishop1020 is a female character but actually is HarleyD (F5) Really small kid behavior, which Lulu didn't wish to comment further cause it will include a lot of .... words.

Sad is 3 hours spam without even drop one scroll of BTM DEX .. sigh!!!

After awhile, Jazz with his other character come back die, haha...

Finish spam, Lulu and Jazz continue chat at Kampung Village. ^^

Despite many disturbance during the spam ( lucky the sponsor never complaint except keep saying not to kill his mobs over the left side ), Lulu is really being spoiled ^^ Jazz accompany Lulu from start till ended spam period. Thanks Jazz.


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Lulu's Maple Memories


This blog is entirely Lulu's experience on Maple world. Should it has similarity with yours, it is just purely coincidence. Please be creative and original. Don't make any alteration, copy and claimed as yours. Love, Peace and Happy Mapling ;p