Friday, June 26, 2009

NLC Quests = High-back blue sofa chair = Warrior Throne

Can't believe the days passed so fast and the 4th maple birthday, 2x experience event will come to an end. Lulu has been slacking in updating her post ;p This is the post that has made delay all other coz it took longer then expected.

At MLTC, Lulu saw Tengkia with the warrior throne and excited to find out that it can be obtained from NLC quests. Tengkia has gotten it first! he become chair addicted when Lulu first throw out blue chair for him on the roof top of Clark Quay and since been collected all kind of chairs ;p

First time taking train. Lulu was so nervous and sit quite far from her tour guide cum NLC quests helper.

GodRev was joining soon after we arrived at NLC to do the quests

On rare occasion, NEL, too, was joining in for getting the throne quest project ( anyone see where is NEL? )
Since Lulu and GodRev have been done a little ahead then Nel, we and Tengkia help Nel to collect the drops for the quest. Nel should be more then happy have 3 juniors come handy to help.
Nel has been made senior by GodRev so now we are real elephant family.

On boring session of killing electophant ( near extinction since 4 people killing in the same map, until we split in different channel )
GodRev ask Lulu to play cards -F2- ignoring Tengkia and Nel screaming protest.

One of the days when we finish the NLC quest with Nocturnal Staff! Sad, Lulu had it sold for meso for spam.

Lulu finally, after hard working for couple of weeks, managed to get the warrior throne.

Yes, you right is a chair! So comfy until Lulu often fall asleep on it.

When she saw it at the first time was on FM, a random mapler was sitting on it, and she thought it must be an a-cash item, but really is Tengkia who informed Lulu that the chair can be obtained. First Tengkia thought must do all the NLC quests, but in fact just 5, which are:

I. Subani Legacy Lvl 36 - reward GFA 60%
Subani Transgression Lvl 38 - reward mapleade x5
Subani Deiverance Lvl 44 - reward meogear ring x10

II. Lost Lvl 40 - reward elpam elixir
Reversal Lvl 40 - reward GFA 70% - killing I.M. Robot to get the temporal fragment

III. Cleaning Up The Street Lvl 50 - Reward Nocturnal Staff for magician

IV. Feather Weights Lvl 50 - Barbarian Elixir x10 and Sorcerer Elixir x10

V. Welcome to NLC Quiz

It need time and patient to get those quests done as boredom sure come hunting alone for the drops. But Lulu lucky enough to have Tengkia, GodRev, Nel, even NanR help in getting the necessary drops. Couldn't have finish the quest soon if not for NanR help on getting the elpam magnet by killing the spider wolf, which is very hard to kill for Lulu and fyi NLC's terrain suck!

After helping Lulu, NanR and Lulu take SS from NLC. Happy face =)

NanR couldn't be more surprised to see Lulu on "under" dress ~sigh~ Lulu forget to put on the scar helm before come out after the photo shoot ;p
Without scar helm, the overall, shoes, wand all can't be wear. But don't worry , Lulu always properly dress if go around , haha, only special occasion when buddy complain can't see Lulu's face then only .... ...

Last Thanks for those help Lulu get the chair! =)
Lulu couldn't be Happier when sit on the chair !


Lulu's Maple Memories


This blog is entirely Lulu's experience on Maple world. Should it has similarity with yours, it is just purely coincidence. Please be creative and original. Don't make any alteration, copy and claimed as yours. Love, Peace and Happy Mapling ;p